Trans-Scale Quantum Science Institute


QMQI 2024 Symposium: From Quantum Materials to Quantum Information


The Trans-Scale Quantum Science (TSQS) Institute co-organized, with OIST and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the inspiring international symposium focused on the connection between quantum materials and quantum information research. This event gathers leading domestic and international researchers and young talents at the beautiful OIST Seaside House and Main campus in Okinawa. The participants had fruitful discussions, exchanging new insights and advancements in these rapidly developing fields.

The symposium program began with topics on quantum materials, highlighting their deep complexities and rich physics. The middle day bridged the symposium’s two main focuses—quantum materials and quantum information—through the lens of quantum many-body physics, helping attendees understand how these fields interconnect. The latter part of the symposium delved into quantum information, exploring its foundational and practical aspects. Each day concluded with a poster session, where presenters all had the opportunity to showcase their work with a brief preview talk, which greatly facilitated the engagement of the sessions. 

The symposium provided a unique opportunity for collaboration across different disciplines and enhanced our understanding of the connections between quantum materials and quantum information science. The details of this event can be found at