
【10/23】Dr. Kamran Behnia氏 (ESPCI Paris)のセミナーを開催いたします



タイトル:Magnetostriction, piezomagnetism and domain nucleation in Mn3Sn
講演者:Dr. Kamran Behnia
    ESPCI Paris
    Paris Science et Lettres University

Whenever the elastic energy of a solid depends on magnetic field, there is a magnetostrictive response. Field-linear magnetostriction implies piezomagnetism and vice versa. Mn3Sn, a recently discovered non-collinear antiferromanget with Weyl nodes, hosts a large and almost perfectly linear magnetostriction even at room temperature. Its magnitude is in agreement with recently reported piezomagnetic data. We show that linear magnetostriction and piezomagnetism are both driven by the field-induced in-plane twist of spins provide that one takes into account the presnece of Sn vacancies. The field-induced domain nucleation within the hysteresis loop corresponds to a phase transition. Within the hysteresis loop, a concomitant mesoscopic modulation of local strain and spin twist angles leads to twisto-magnetic stripes.